Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nanowrimo Excitement Overload

According to the official website, Nanowrimo starts in one day, ten hours, 25 minutes, and seven seconds! *cue hysteria and compulsive cookie baking* In case you aren't familiar with Nanowrimo(national novel writing month), it's pretty simple. 50,000 words. 30 days. Let the craziness ensue! If you're interested, there's a link in the side bar. Check it out!
Anywho, I am so phyched for november to begin. I have a tentative title, a somewhat sketchy plot, and a couple of core scenes I am so ready to write. And a playlist. Who can write without a soundtrack for your characters' woes and triumphs? For me, music really influences the mood of what I write. I try to create playlists that reflect the characters and the feelings I want people to take away from a story. Mood. It's a big deal. But plot is probably more important. Which is why I should go work on that sketchy outline of mine......